Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Puppies All Over the Place!

     At five-weeks-old, puppies are very active, very hungry, and unbelievably adorable! 

Six puppies sleep together in the doghouse.

     Their personalities were starting to become more apparent too.  Brutus was always the leader, and always dominant over his brothers, though he was very gentle with his sisters.  Rosa was the smallest, but was very playful and always had a lot of spunk.  Chester was a snuggler and was happy to follow his siblings in mischief.  Jessie was playful, sweet, and a "talker."  Willow was smart and adventurous, but took just a minute or so longer than the others to warm up to a new person.  Tug lived to run, play, and wrestle.  Duncan loved to wrestle and play too, but also loved being with people.  He was the second largest pup in the litter, and sometimes challenged Brutus - usually by sitting on him!  Wallace was probably the smartest pup in the litter; you could watch him figure out things.  He was the first one to "escape" from the whelping box, and the first one to figure out how to get over the puppy fence in the yard. 

     It was good timing, because people were just starting to think about choosing their puppies.  This process proved to be fascinating.  I swear that in most cases it seemed as if the puppy picked the person or family. 

     Since Duncan was clearly staying with us, second pick went to our son and daughter-in-law.

She narrowed it down to three, but was having trouble choosing! 

A few weeks later, she & our son took Rosa home with them.  Our son told us that Rosa was the one who came running to him when he whistled!

     The next to be claimed was Chester.  He was chosen by an eleven-year-old girl who lived near us, because he liked to cuddle with her.  He would stay with us until she got home from summer camp though.  I didn't mind a bit; it gave us more time to enjoy him!

Chester - who wouldn't fall for that sweet face?
They all still have very healthy appetites!
Bella enjoyed spending more time with the puppies once they weren't nursing so often!

     At six weeks of age, the pups had their first baths.  It wasn't planned that way, but there was a potential buyer coming over, and Willow decided to roll in poop that morning.  So since we had to wash her, we gave each of them a bath.

Willow did not seem to enjoy her bath! 


Here they are all clean and fluffy again.

     They have also learned to roll over to ask for belly rubs now.  It is adorable!

Rosa wants a belly rub!

Yes, they just keep eating more and growing larger.  We should've bought stock in puppy kibble....

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